Because of the lack of directly compatible mechanics, most of the SAS stuff we converted by "the feel of the character" as opposed to anything else, but it worked. I think the most disappointing experience I have had thus far is that all the supplemental stuff to include the Champions crossover are all set around Tri-Stat, which I quite specifically disliked. Sorry I couldn't be more help, but I see Ninja-Bear has replied while I typed this; perhaps he has something a bit more useful for you.
Interesting that folks are down on the Tri-Stat system. I admit I never actually played it or the d20 version of SAS , but reading it, it made a pretty favorable impression on me. It seemed pretty similar to Hero System in a lot of ways. I'm curious what Hero System fans disliked about it. Was it a matter of the similarities being only skin-deep, while the differences ran all the way to the core? Yes, that's about as far as I went, also. I starting converting some of my 5th Edition write-ups using guidelines listed on Killer Shrike's website, but the desire soon fizzled out.
That is, in my limited experience with it, probably the best summation I could offer you, Sir. To put it in broad terms: while it was a quick-and-easy play system for the most part, it just wasn't as I hate to say "universal," but that was also an issue-- as it thought it was. It was a pretty slick "action movie" feel: there were broad sweeping options to do broad sweeping things, but it didn't really impart a unique feel to either very-low-end like the newly-printed Western HERO, for example or a particularly powerful or grandiose feel to the high end Even that's not really expressing what I want to express It had a distinct sweet spot: one of those "let's take a break" game nights where you want to break out something quick and dirty and light and bash your way through some bad guys without too much regard for detail; quite literally "action movie" style.
I hope that makes more sense than I think it does. I like books like this for ideas, inspiration, and scenario concepts, which I can then use in my preferred games. Granted though, Tri-Stat collapses them all down into only three stats instead of just using those concepts to categorize stats , and I can see how that might be not granular enough. The thing is once I saw how they broke everything down, it seemed more complex than it was worth.
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Password forgotten? Click here. Martial Arts. Product Type. Full Color. Insert quotes…. Similar Threads. Replies 11 Views 2K. Jul 28, aramis erak. Replies 33 Views 4K. Nov 14, Paul Farquhar. Replies 2 Views 1K. Nov 28, Elderbrain. Replies 0 Views Jun 13, talien. Carousel Previous. Carousel Next. What is Scribd? Silver Age Sentinels d Uploaded by clgoodenough Document Information click to expand document information Description: roleplaying game.
Did you find this document useful? Is this content inappropriate? Report this Document. Write-ups for these new opponents are provided for the d20 and Tri-Stat systems. Destroyer and Kreuzritter to conquer reality. Two editions were released, one for each gaming system. Roll Call — From cosmic powerhouses to street-level martial artists, this page supplement offers over two dozen heroes and villains from around the globe.
All character write-ups are presented for both the d20 and Tri-Stat systems. Offers everything from plucky teens in tights to flying dogs with cosmic abilities. Roll Call 3: Country Matters — Detailed profiles of over two dozen female superheroes and villains from all corners of the globe, each with a connection to the diabolical Janus from the Silver Age Sentinels core book.
Sample heroes are included, with versions for both the Tri-Stat and d20 systems. Besides the Silver Age Sentinels products listed above, a number of other items have been released for fans of the game. Based on the acclaimed Wildstorm comic book series from Warren Ellis and utilizing the Tri-Stat system although sided dice are used instead of 10 , The Authority RPG is set in a dark world where anti-heroes such as Midnighter, Apollo, The Mechanic and Jenny Sparks battle to restore global order by any means necessary.