To show the reference folder in your project click the icon highlighted below: Also are you missing the c in Pa c ks? Fouad Roumieh. Did you add the Reference Solution Explorer to Microsoft. Vs to your project? Nope but I've just tried it as you've suggested VisualBasic in assemblies framework makes an error popping up : can't add Microsoft.
VisualBasic as is it automatically included in the build. Right you don't need to add Microsoft. It works. If you want to include the title bar, scroll bars, and border in the printed image, set the PrintOption parameter to either CompatibleModeFullWindow or FullWindow.
By default, only the currently visible part of the client area or form is printed. If a user has resized the form at run time, it will be printed as currently visible on screen. If, however, part of the form has been moved off the edge of the screen, the form will still be printed as if it were completely visible. If you want to print the form at its designed size, set the PrintOption parameter to Scrollable.
How can i solve and fix it? Mike's suggestion is helpful. If you want to deploy an application that references Visual Basic Power Packs components, the components must be installed on the destination computer. You could deploy Visaul Basic PowerPacks as the prerequisites of your setup project. Then it will install it if it needs and won't if it doesn't. Select Visual Basic PowerPacks , and choose "Download prerequisites from the component vendor's web site". Then the project will deploy it as a prerequisite.
Based on my understanding, it seems that the target machine have no cooresponding version of the powerpacks packages. If you can thranslate the error message to english, I think I can get more exactly cause of this issue.
Change the Microsoft. It run perfectly on localhost , But when I Upload my web application on server , It gives error that "could not load assembly Then I remove that line add assembly from web. So, I think that Assembly "Microsoft. Vs" is not necessary, is it? The content you requested has been removed. Ask a question. I have two versions of powerpacks 9 and 10 on my system.
But I would only check the one I was going to use. See first image below. If that doesn't show any refs for Powerpacks then you may need to add powerpacks to your toolbox as in the bottom image below. However if you don't have powerpacks installed on your system them you may need to download and install them.
Personally unless you are using powerpacks printing then I wouldn't bother with it for shapes cause it's a pain to work with anyhow. Net has printing capabilities too.