When the download process ends double click on the file to start the set up process. Look into the first two steps and click on "Next" to begin the next step in set up. Related Apps The Battle of Polytopia. Last updated. Suggested players. Warcraft 3: Reforged compatible. Added many many things new units, new heroes, reinforcements, improved balance, added new effects, better terrain, fixed thousands of bugs.
Show more map versions. Report map. Claim ownership of this map. Report - "10 Hero Siege - Helms Deep 3. Example report reasons Vandalism, sexist or racist content. Map is full of cheats and hacks. This causes the need for air defenses. As of recent updates, dispensers shoot fireworks in the direction they're facing, instead of just up.
One can build a missile launcher this way, using the quasi-connectivity method stated above, or with a rapid pulsar. The fireworks will explode in the aerial attacker's face and hopefully kill them. However, flying attacks makes the defensive area a 3D space, so multiple launchers may be needed in multiple directions. Range can be altered with the firework's flight duration. This can be used for intimidation purposes rather than actually defending.
These will give any player trying to grief, or steal from, one of your structures, a nice shock. This turret is fully automatic, and as long as you have the arrows to support it, it will demolish anything in front of it. Fire charges can also be used if you have the resources. However, these are not recommended if your structure is made out of a flammable material, as it could set it on fire and burn it down.
An easier and lower resource cost way to make the turrets more damaging is to put a lava curtain in front of them.
This will set the arrows passing through on fire so they cause more damage. Creepers have an explosion nearly as powerful as TNT , so they can easily blow through a wall made of stone ; if this happens, it can break a hole in the wall, so that other uninvited mobs can enter your protected area.
The only true wall that will protect against creepers is a wall made of bedrock or obsidian , although the former can only be used on a multiplayer server with item spawning enabled, with a mod, or via creative mode.
A self-repairing wall can also be created using a cobblestone generator. Place lava and air alternating and also place waters diagonal to the lava. Note that you have to have the lava as source blocks.
Zombies are difficult creatures to face when in a claustrophobic area, such as a cave. They can only attack when they are near you which gives you an advantage and a disadvantage. The advantage is that you can take them from a distance and be safe. However, this method gives the zombified piglins an upper hand when there are multiple of either one and they surround you.
This leaves you unable to escape. If building a defensive structure to prioritize against zombies, you should try and stay away from them, but in the case that you cannot make sure you have an open area both inside and outside of your defensive structure such as a courtyard, so that you have alternatives of escape. The best defense from piglins and the zombified versions of them is not to attack them.
This is because unless you damage them somehow, they will not attack you. If you have a supply of villagers, you can make an automatic zombie killing machine. There are many ways to do this but the cheapest and most compact is a 1x1, 3 deep pit. Put the villager in the pit, cover it with netherrack and ignite the netherrack.
Zombies will walk towards the villager and get set on fire. Create a 1 or more block wide hole in your wall and shoot the spider or attack with your sword. When the spider gets killed, shoot the skeleton. You can also try an arrow dispenser trap instead of shooting them yourself. You may defend against slimes by simply creating a long 1 block wide, 2 block tall corridor as an entrance to a walled-off area.
Place dispensers loaded with arrows on the bottom row of each side, and any solid block on the top. The floor can be made with any material, but cover it with pressure plates. The said slime will travel through the corridor, and every time it lands on a pressure plate, it will be struck by two arrows, and if or when it splits, the process will simply repeat itself.
To collect the drops, simply remove the pressure plates, stroll on through reloading as you go if needed and then when you are done, simply replace the pressure plates on the way out.
This also works for most other mobs that will fit through the corridor. There is no particularly expensive way to defend against ghasts. Glass or cobblestone which ghasts cannot damage will do just fine, but you could also use an expensive material like iron blocks , or obsidian. However, while glass panes protect you from being noticed and fired on by ghasts, they are shattered in the event a stray fireball explodes near the panes.
Glass blocks, on the other hand, do not shatter even when hit directly. To fully ghast-proof a Nether fort, use only glass blocks, and use iron bars or nether brick fences for windows. Ghasts are easy to kill if you can hit them or reflect their fireball at them. Two well-charged arrows or hits with an iron sword will take one down. Since endermen can move blocks, but are hurt by water , make a moat instead of a wall.
Also, it's better if it flows through a 1x1 block hole in your house, so you get the drops. However, note that endermen can teleport onto the other side of the moat, making this method not as effective.
A drawbridge is a very effective entrance mechanism for a multiplayer base. It works better if within faction land so that it can't be destroyed. Pull the lever to open the drawbridge, not letting anything in; or close it so you and your faction can get out. Spiders can't jump the bridge, players will fall in the lava , and zombies and other mobs cannot cross it, unless it is left closed.
So, it pretty much keeps everything out, as long as it is built on faction land. Another effective trap against enemy players is sometimes known as the "KILL" land mine. Place an upwards-facing dispenser, filled with splash potion of Harming VII, surrounded by pressure plates.
This is most effective if there is a ceiling above, so that the player can't run or walk out of range as easily. However, note that splash potion of Harming VII cannot be obtained without item spawning in multiplayer or mods. What you can do is use a lower Harming potion that is obtainable in survival, but it won't kill the player instantly. One of the most cost-effective ways of base protection, especially against players, is camouflaging. Build your base under the ground or high up in the sky, so that it would be hard for players to find it.
A more advanced defense mechanisms is to make a fake base to mislead players. See the following steps for how to make one:. Though it is best on faction servers, cannons loaded with TNT , potions , or arrows are very fun to use and can do a lot of damage. There are many designs of TNT cannons you can use. Plus, with slime blocks , you can make them cheaper than ever.
Lastly, if your real base is found as well, you do not want to be lost completely. That is why you should always have both a regular storage room as well as a secret one. You could also put a little diamond stuff to stop the attackers from getting suspicious. Then, also build a secret room, with sticky pistons and only open or closable from the inside of it, where you put your really valuable stuff diamond armor, enchantment table , potions , anvil , diamonds , diamond swords , enchanted bows , etc.
This is because most of the PvP player vs player servers with griefing allowed are riddled with traitors and disloyal people who will take your valuables the moment you turn your back on them. Mob defenses can be effective, when using the right mobs. The mobs you can use for this are iron golems , snow golems , tamed wolves , or tamed cats. Also, the fact that these do not affect the player with the exception of an annoyed iron golem or wolves turning on you, if you manage to attack yourself makes these defenses a little more useful.
The best way to use these is keep them in an enclosed space with a door operable by lever. If invading mobs get too close for comfort, you can flick the lever and release the golems to clear the area. Alternatively, you can simply leave them wandering free in a walled off area.
The most efficient way to use snow golems is in a one block wide tunnel. The snowballs from the golems cause no damage except to blazes , but push mobs back. This can be used to push mobs into lava or something else that damages them, such as cactus. It can also simply be used to delay hostiles.
Placing snow golems in fenced-off "watch towers" may help protect you from hostile mobs as, the mobs will then attack the snow golems, and snow golems snow balls push away hostile mobs.
When using snow golems, make sure you protect the golems from the rain or they will die. Also, as mentioned on the snow golem page, they will take damage in a desert or jungle biome, so defenses utilizing them cannot be used in these biomes. The easiest way to use cats is to build a fence around them or just let it simply wander around a closed off area. This way, once a creeper comes, the cat will scare the creeper away.
Tamed wolves will kill all hostile things except creepers. If they are in sit mode will not attack if chasing a skeleton. The skeleton will not fight back it will only run away. If you are too far away from your wolf it will teleport to you so keep it on a lead attached to a fence. TNT , although dangerous and lag intensive, is very effective when killing mobs. Obsidian or self repairing land is useful in an area of little or no use to minimize damage.
If you use more than 1 TNT, most drops will also be destroyed. It can be useful to place the TNT trap above sand or gravel so that a player will be trapped with the charge and a mob won't be able to wander away.
TNT cannons are one of the best weapons to use. These should be put outside your perimeter. When you are on multiplayer server, and you don't want your enemies taking your loot. You need the following to build SDS:.
Fill it with TNT on 3 blocks under your base. On top of the TNTs, put your normal blocks. On top of that, fill the 3rd floor with redstone. Now put repeaters on the 3rd floor right-bottom of the real base's floor and make a road to where you want activator be.
Put a lever in the activating zone, and connect your SDS to the lever lever using redstone and repeaters. When your base is in danger and lots of enemies in your base, take as much loot of yours as you can and run. When you are near the Activating Zone, you can now pull the lever and kill all the enemies. Custom Castle Defense v9. Last updated. Suggested players. Lordaeron Summer. Warcraft 3: Reforged compatible. Official Discord. Download 7. Custom Castle Defense v8.
Build Mills in fenced in areas. Establish a base, but help other players if you can. If an ally falls, you could be next! Custom Castle Defense v7.