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Truly if we are prepared to see a one-eyed green Alien and accept them before we can see our own neighbor who may be of different ethnicity but a Human nonetheless, we have missed the mark. There was a time that if you happen to see another Human while in transit you immediately greeted each other with hugs and kisses of astonishment as you tried to communicate by first giving gifts and showing them things you had found on your journey as they did the same.

You would explain to them the various territories you have crossed, what resources were there, and what to be aware of. Often times you learned their customs and came to respect their individuality marveling at how the Creator made things so diverse. Now that has faded away and people are looked at as expendable, some even as worthless by others as racism increases. They have forgotten if you have climbed up on the ladder you are in a perfect position to help the person below you.

Instead they give them a boot in the face knocking them down further. We must re- establish communication. When you look around you if you see someone is lonely or troubled, speak to them. I find it amazing men will speak with devils, demons, and brutes but not their own Kin. Reason The unique blend of ethnicities is one of the greatest assets of Earth. We have so many things to share with one another while religion has kept us divided, teaching us not to mingle with one another.

Our souls are all unique and none are the same thus we operate as a team with multiple functions endowed with splendor and beauty, it is only the blind that cannot see this. This is not just exclusive to the African Americans but all races that have members who in thinking of only of themselves have become the catalyst used by the dark Elite to deceive their people.

They where sent to quell the disturbances in India with a pro-peace movement so the British could regain control as the uprisings began. The Indians, a people tired of being enslaved on their own territory by the British, finally reached boiling point. They pacified them through Mahatmas pro-peace teachings and kept them from taking back Persia until England could regain strength from spreading itself too thin in its hasty plans for complete world domination. Now they have turned their country into a giant telemarketing call center.

Reason Modern research in behavioral science and gestures has shown all the individuals on the left to be insincere. Economy collapses. Lord Matrieya has already appeared in several countries of the Orient and all the Spiritual leaders are endorsing him. Matrieya says he is the Matrieya, Messiah, and Mahdi that all religions have proclaimed to be awaiting the arrival of.

His miracles so far have been magnetizing water in which people can enter and become healed. If you ask me did these men and women know how they are being used, I will tell you that I believe some do not. It seems they believed in peace so much it filled them completely beyond understanding of bigger pictures. They could not be themselves if it was under some type of false pretense, to me this is no different from the Pastor of the church, the Congressman with the beautiful.

This cross cannot be worn unless you are an Initiate. Rock has always been a Tool and right now the pieces fit on why all this is coming about. There are others who are very conscious of what they are doing. We find people like Emperor Hallie Salassie still revered by the war torn Ethiopians of Nubia who are clueless to the paramount role he played in subduing that once rich fertile country.

He turned their remaining resources over to the Queen who he was in constant retinue with. That position he never achieved thus he defaced the Temples and Shrines of the Egyptian ancestors removing the names and bodies of the previous inhabitants. Surely this was a dark man that would do anything for his personal gain thus he prostituted the people to the Gods of the Underworld more than any in his lineage.

He is given a first class education and then reinserted back into Nubia where he becomes Emperor. He then proceeds to divide the land and relinquish its resources to the Monarchy. When you see and study all this you begin to realize why not much progress in the right direction has been made for Humanity.

The people we are taught to idolize, our Revolutionaries, Presidents, Dictators, Religion Leaders etc. We want to believe we can elect one person to handle all the troubles of the world so we can go back to our daily programs. It is decreed that until we come together and take control of our world, those in power now who do not care about Humanity like me and you, will continue to decimate it.

As long as we keep trusting them and remaining lazy and insolent to what we get to do, which is take our world into harmony, we will not feel the yoke lift. As good people we want to believe that someone like Obama could change our course although every indicator told us he would not. This is no different than thinking Christopher Columbus discovered America when there where already entire maps conscribed before he was even spermatozoa detailing the whole world from an aerial view and it was not flat.

Zionism is not a color it is an idea that is not even Hebrew. It is safe to say that what is put directly in front of us, especially through popular media, needs our personal investigation and common sense before it can be trusted. The shear energy of crowds envelops all who are in the midst.

As hearts begin to sync up all are in the hands of the so-called world leaders and in the past, few have lead in the right direction as they grope about the darkness of Kali Yuga gathering all the resources for their private groups consuming far more than the average citizen and never loosening the yoke.

We cannot continue to be looked at as resources rather than Human Beings. Taking the mainstreams word for it seems to always prove unintelligent, they are liars and they will say and do anything to make the masses disbelieve in what we have felt for so long which is that Religion, Politics, Social, and Educational structures are developed to hinder, not free the people less they raise the whole Earth which can be seen itself as a large ship, into the higher heavens that those that have fallen cannot ascend because it burns away all impurities.

The Gods need not money it is man who needs the money while the Gods divvy up what is more precious to them, the Gold or the Soul. The religion of Christianity has done enough on its own for anyone with a keen eye to see something may need to be questioned. Anyone who does not see religion as simply stairs to the top will often get stuck on one level or another thus never entering complete enlightenment and only perceiving its premature phases. That exactness comes when the real truth of whatever faith you elect falls upon your ears.

At least at that moment you have an opportunity to really serve the God you claim to worship. You will now have the hidden doctrine of these faiths which is generally reserved for the Priests. We are not saying this individual did not exist he in fact did, however, what we are questioning is the final destination of the Christian soul which is the Underworld just like it was with the Rites of Isis.

Ra is ruler of the Underworld he is better known as Amen-Ra. The Latin word for prayer which is Oration indicates their power is in Orion. In a movie titled the Matrix was released and made its way to the top as the box office churned the propaganda machine with numbers rivaling Star Wars.

The city of freedom they gave the name Zion, blatant Zionist propaganda as even churches pride themselves on being called Mount Zion. Just as Bob Marley heads sway to the tunes as he sings about Zion the city depicted as having no worries and this is anything but true.

The defeat of the mind of the masses was subtle, not by force, when the flutes, cymbals, and lyres play then the formidable human force is lulled to sleep. When the shields of the mind are down the enemy is sure to invade. The New Age movement now insists there is no enemy and this is just a figment of a mental hologram, poisonous vipers their words are sly. We need to take back Earth or get ready to leave it entirely. What is to come can not be escaped this was set in motion a long time ago and does not reverse so we must work beyond it.

They say humans unlock their true abilities under the scenario of fight or flight through the adrenals. Learn to simulate those expressions and began to work on you. Remember what is happening does not come from a particular race of people it is an idea that many are aligned with and has consumed their rational senses.

There were of course many things hinted and eluded to in the movie the Matrix itself that we now in fact find to be true from various levels. It leads one to ponder the exact design of what we are really faced with currently and in our not to distant future. What kind of force would show us in something we are supposed to find entertaining, that it has us trapped in an Oz like mechanical Netherworld where our senses and abilities are limited and our energy harvested?

Can we be pulled out of the Matrix? Is there an actual Code to the Matrix? This book will show beyond the shadow of doubt that the answer to the questions being proposed above is yes, and that is not all. This book will awaken your memory and quicken you thus causing your DNA to reformulate which I will prove to be possible by the end of this composition.

DNA itself is manipulated by the mental state, surroundings, and acquaintances of the individual subject. When any these are altered for a constant period the DNA itself also alters and reformulates according to its environment. This means that once you become firm about what you know to be true, especially about your special abilities that have been dormant, the DNA will reconstruct itself to make what you will believe again to be possible, happen.

This takes consistency and as we talked about earlier a firm foundation grounded in truth to what reality is, not what Maya or Illusion attempts to make you perceive. The value of this to your future would be of catamount benefit especially in the world of today where knowledge is power. You can thus remove yourself from the cubes known as the hexagon or the bee hive.

At one point long ago a jealous force recognized that certain types of knowledge meant unlimited power to those in possession of it thus much of the valuable knowledge was removed.

All written copies were burned although at least one copy was placed in the 5 mile library under the Vatican. In replacement we received lies mixed with truth which does a horrible job on the mind as we watch the masses plug about clueless, still searching for themselves because religion has fulfilled almost none of its promises.

This Platonic knowledge introduced the dark square or cube. We will speak more of this later. We are talking about the level of foreknowledge which gives you the ability to know what will happen before it takes place, this is the time it is most useful as things speed up. The issue we all individually face is that we wait to see what is going to happen next before we react; this is called reactionary. This leaves you with no preparation and little time or ability to shape the future.

I say that one should confront danger and fear before they become closed in by it instead of allowing it to greet you on your doorstep while your loved ones are inside. Run and face it so you may prevent it or at least prolong it.

This may in fact give those you care for the edge they will need to prepare. Again think of the 7 year old who will have to live at least another 10 years in this world and what they are to face in those 10 years. What kind of monsters have we left for them to battle?

Supplying people with this information will at least allow you to say that you did the best you could, which is also why I write this to you before my departure. Just because few are using the collective consciousness channel does not mean that it is not always broadcasting, we are always linked to it.

In fact it is more like two lovers who have both fallen asleep on the phone and the lines remain open although there is no one speaking. It is time you begin to unlock all the mysteries and most importantly yourself. Often I began lengthy writings only to leave them incomplete, pieces of these writing you will find in Italics throughout the book they serve as tidbits of poetry to ponder. The rabbit hole is far deeper than I expected in the beginning, not to mention the fact that after you get deep into the rabbit hole you must climb back out, which they forgot to mention.

You do not want to be in any hole, trust me. When you learn the whole system, you will have so much knowledge you will not be incapable of fitting it all in one book.

This also means that everything is not contained here, only the framework that is needed for you to build your own ladder out of the Cube of Flesh into the Sphere of Spirit. After that the statement will come true that if the oceans were ink and the trees were pens you could still not write about everything that you will know in fact to be true.

With that being said I have done my best to narrow the book down to what is of highest worth to know. It was originally meant to show how words themselves play one of the most valuable roles in your individual awakening. That later morphed into a detailed story of our true past, present, and future. In the ancient texts one story holds about Babel. This Tower or Ziggurat had multiple purposes and it was also connected to a Gate, the two went hand in hand.

You will find a precise geometric layout of some type of construction whether stone alter, pillar, temple, hollowed tree, or various other portals. You will learn that the geometric structure, especially its number of sides, has everything to do with the type of energies being evoked and from what dimension, plane, expanse, or abyss they hail from. In Reason 35 you will see a rare picture of pre-historic London now synchromystically called Babylondon.

It seems the Atlantian style art deco is preferred. The Pyramids have four sides because they are massive Gates to the 4th and 8th dimension.

These dimensions although very different from the 3rd, are functioning and highly populated unbeknownst to the masses. Notice the model of Atlantis as seen on the right. Later you will see this particular design can be found everywhere you find Atlantis affiliates especially in Government and Parliament.

Mithras Day was December Do you think it would be of value on various levels to at least investigate who this individual is? What I find is those who think an inkling about their souls want to prepare it for afterlife. This would mean knowing as much as you can about what that involves rather than just imagining that being a servant in the afterlife forever would actually be a reward. This is what determines whether or not you end up in a place that will mean total freedom, or the opposite.

Servants are always slaves to something. It is already obvious that our current Overseers seem to be very detached from the people, so this means you must build yourself to learn of the higher things. The future can only be the future for so long and then it becomes the present. This is the roots of Duality. After reading hundreds of Testaments, Vedras, Hieroglyphs, Steles, Tablets, and spending months in meditation on what had been gathered a very clear picture began emerge.

When this quest began it was in earnest desire to find God. My ideas have never been to disapprove the existence of God or other Beings, only to create a clear path that I may enter in constant communion with them. There can be no benefit in falsely disapproving something that could emancipate us all. In addition I not only studied these faiths I immersed myself in them.

There can be nothing more unnerving than someone ousting a religion that they have not even studied, much less participated in. What I did also since I was very serious about the quest was I sought to become the highest in each faith I was deluging. There can be nothing more positively life changing then following the truth even when it goes against everything you have been taught. I believe many headlong in their religion have discovered through one book or another the true origin of their proclaimed faith.

At that moment and subsequent times after, the person enters a strong duality phase. One side insists that it is the Wicked One who is trying to steal their faith. This side tends to use no facts only emotions barraging a person with memories of past divine experiences. The other side finds constant facts that debunk what the emotional side is suggesting. It often shows that paranormal experience should not be the only gauge of determining if something is true or false, especially positive or negative.

Sadly the emotional side tends to win because a person has also gained friends in the religion, a home or fellowship place, and all these novelties weigh heavier on making the correct decision to disavow. As a Pastor it was hard for me to walk away from Christianity, however, since I was also infused with the Spirit of Truth it was even more difficult to keep denying the obvious which was its demoniac esoteric doctrine. Once engulfing the Spiritual terrain there is indeed a common story, it is only the names that change.

The only hint they give of them is that they are written on Tablets. The resin of information that remains coated on our Aura of what happened in past existences will always serve as mental triggers for our minds. This is how stories of the our past is linked to religion in order to bring about devoutness, fear, resonance, and loyalty under false pretenses. I cruel mental scheme designed around ethereal based historical facts. Alll the storiess of the Tora rah were firs rst Sumarian n minus the he name chaanges.

Th he one who o controlled d the Names could con ntrol whole nations. Firstt we will exxamine the doctrine. The T main reeason for th his being thhe leaders off these groups weere always warring w witth surround ding countrries so love was w not a good angle for f them, war,, vengeancee and favoriitism was more m ideal. The T occurreence of the last flood has h left resid due in our Aura thus all sttories that begin b with floods f are entertained e by the subcconscious because b it knows k for a fact the flood was w true, thee details aree of course not availabble.

Many peeople have a phobia off deep wateer because ofo the last fllood. The Ark k is the otheer part of th he sublimin nal entrainm ment of docctrines. Thee word itsellf resonates to esscape sometthing that is i fearful an nd impendiing such as the t Dark. There were few who made it onto the Ark and those that did were given a Mark to show they had been saved.

After the Dark came the Sun which we unconsciously assume will rise every morning. The Sun awakes the whole world and gets the next day started. The Sun and Son were made synonymous in English because of this. The Son God religions embed themselves in the natural occurrences of nature. There is always a Mother sometimes two since we are in a binary system this always leads to one good Mother and one Evil or surrogate mother, Eve and Lilith.

The Mother Archetype will always survive because the Planet can never be seen as anything different than a nourishing Mother, thus when a name for the Mother Earth was given all would revere it as they do their physical Mother.

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